FNA autoclicker FAQ

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Here is the FAQ for freenewsautoclicker.com.

Here you will find answers to the most common questions regarding trading in economic announcements and the FNA autoclicker.

FAQ on trading economic events :

  • What are the different existing strategies for trading an economic event?

    • Surprise (current value compared to consensus)

This is the strategy that we will use with the FNA autoclicker. I describe this strategy here.


    • The “straddling strategy”

This strategy is described in this article of my blog. (to come up)


  • Are the ad trading strategies presented on this site 100% safe?

In the trading world, there is never anything sure. There will always be a risk that you can only TRY to minimize with the right strategy, training and knowledge.


FNA Autocliker FAQ :

  • Definition :

    • What is the FNA autoclicker?

The FNA autoclicker is software that simulates mouse clicks at desired locations based on results published by economic calendars.


  • Licence :

    • Is FNA software free?

Yes, the FNA autoclicker is completely free. I specify that the data provided by the economic calendars remain their properties.

    • Can I distribute the FNA autoclicker?

Yes, you can provide as many copies of the FNA software as you want.


  • Scalability :

    • Is an Android or IOS version of the FNA autoclicker planned?

At the moment, only a Windows version is available. If a large number of users request it, an IOS and / or Android version may be considered. If you don’t have Windows, you can check out the following solutions. (Coming soon)

    • Will other languages ​​be added?

Possibly, if many users request it.

    • Will other economic calendars be integrated into the autoclicker?

Yes, this can also be considered. However, I am currently thinking about a solution that could make FNA work with any economic calendar.

    • Can the autoclicker increase the number of economic ads monitored simultaneously?

Yes, it is possible, however as I point out here, it is not recommended to play too many announcements at the same time.


  • Security :

    • Is FNA software safe?

Yes, totally. Apart from the appearance of a bug in its use, I guarantee that the software is free from viruses, malware, spyware or others.

    • Why is Windows or my antivirus alerting me?

Windows or your antivirus software may be blocking FNA because it does not know the source of the program. You will need to unlock the software before you can use it.


  • Problem :

    • What can I do if I detect a bug?

If you find a problem using FNA or have ideas for improvement, you can tell me about it on the dedicated Telegram or in a comment on this page. By doing this, you will help improve the autoclicker.

    • FNA asks me to update

Each time you start the program, FNA will verify that you have installed the latest software update. If necessary, FNA will ask you to download the latest version, as the obsolete versions will stop working.

You must download the latest version here.

If you already have the latest version and the message continues to appear, you will have to delete the browsing history from your Internet Explorer as shown in this video.


Trading is a risky activity and can lead to the total loss of your initial capital (and sometimes beyond)